Parenthood is....
...standing on an incredibly sharp piece of bionicle and not only are you not allowed to swear through the pain, but you have to console the owner of said bionicle because you got blood on his toy.
... getting up 1 and 1/2 hours before sunrise and making breakfast in your sleep. Only to be told you made it in the "wrong" bowl.
... sweating over the contents of a lunchbox every night. Red light food vs green light food; no peanuts, tree nuts, or eggs; no excess packaging; no preservatives, colours or flavours; nothing that might spoil or go soggy; nothing politically incorrect, (e.g. nestle or coca-cola amatil,) trying to stick to local/organic/fairtrade.... and then finding the untouched lunch in his bag come 3pm.
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
4 days ago